Wednesday 29 May 2013

Arguing and failure and why am I posting?

Already, I'm taking this "being more open" thing a bit more. Got in an argument with a close friend. Really big one, I don't want to discuss details but I feel sick, I've been crying slightly and I'm just a big ball of sadness and rage. I can't shake it which means I'm probably going to have stay up until I can cleanse myself slightly before sleeping. (Always a rough night if I go to bed angry). I want to do many things but the only thing I can think of right now that makes any sense is grab some hot chocolate, maybe even some chocolate and hope that things will be better when I wake up tomorrow. Have a shower, get dressed. You know - live. I'm a bad motivational speaker. But this isn't about you.

To make myself feel better, I wrote this:

I'm wanting tomorrow to be better,
But first I have to get there, 
so let's live the night 
as best we can, with tears
and maybe beer and food. 
Some good loving, 
some tender caring. 
Tomorrow will be better,
but first I have to get there.

And it's shit. Ah well. Now to eat. 

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