Wednesday 8 May 2013

Spider-Man Comics but Past Papers. What a good day!

I opted in going to school today, feeling my day would be full of vibrant productive revision.

This was, however, a completely incorrect assumption. 

It wasn't out of lack of try. OK, so that's a lie. I really didn't work today because I went in with the mentality that one of my teachers would have my head on a stick if she saw me tomorrow and I hadn't turned up today. Thus I felt obligated - out of fear - to attend. And while the session had offered some useful tips it seemed like they were common facts that I'd been aware beforehand. My day trekked on and I had no way of going home due to lack of funds for a bus. (Plus it's about 2 Buses from my school to where I live - one thing I love about moving school is that there's going to be a simple bus route!) 

I'm kind of better at home because I feel like there's a lot of free space and that I can lounge around in my dressing gown but still work hard. Though exam conditions will be nothing similar, I can adapt to those quite easily. Most of my revision has been reading over notes and making sure I crack down on old exam papers. This is how I learn and condense the information for exams. Sitting around in class with smaller classes then usual - aside the subjects I'm unsure in - is a bit useless to me. But if it suits you then I'm glad you have a way of studying, just it's not my way! 

Today did have perks. I messed about with friends who were trying to study (okay that was a perk for me) and then I brought in some Spider-Man comics as most of my year decided to travel to the town. I read a little bit and came home and resorted my Spider-Man. How I love the Webhead, I probably have quite a few rants about my love for him. I realised what's best suited as a way for me to revise so that's alright. And also finished off some work for some Science thing I'm doing. The best thing to do is just not ask about my Science Pathways Vocational Grade.

Anyway, this revision log is done. See you next time loverlies.

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