Tuesday 28 May 2013

How I run my blog.

A few weeks ago, I was chatting with a family member who I hadn't seen in a while. They asked me:

"So what's new?" And, naturally, I got them more or less up-to-date with what was happening in my life. One of the things I mentioned was my blog; it's somewhere people can read and really get to know me. But she said something in reply to this:

"Well be careful! Don't post everything up there, you never know who might be reading." It's a very fair point. I don't know who is reading. And while I respect and love this person, I disagree with them here.

Originally I was strict with what I said and how I mentioned people. Nowadays, I'm a bit more lax. For instance, I mention Jacob by name because he uses his blog as much if not more than I use mine. So he seems to be okay having his name up there online. For me, it's sort of the same thing. I'm beginning to realise how much you can learn from a glance of a facebook page. In that sense, I think I share less information here then I do there!

But anyway: I've made the cognisant decision of having a blog where I talk about my life and whatever takes my fancy. And sometimes, I even shy away from that. I want to talk sometimes about my spirituality and theological beliefs (as they're kind of important to me) and of my political stances. But I always feel under pressure to please people in life, despite my exterior not showing that all the time. If you know me, I think it comes across quite obvious.

However: not here. This is my goddamn blog. And there are risks for sharing so much and it can be weird if someone's read something first. But I'm really beginning to simply not giving a flying fuck about that. This space on the internet, on blogger, has been mine for some time and I want it to be mine. And it's about time that I really start embracing that a bit more.

I've stopped swearing as much on here because I've not wanted to offend. The advantage has come with me using my extensive vocabulary! The qualm I have with this is that I'm doing something on my "space" for other people. I stop posting about things that I think people won't agree with or something and really, the important thing to remember: it's my blog. And if people don't like it, they'll stop reading. And truth be told - that does frighten me. What if NO ONE agrees with me? Then I think about it.

WHO CARES. If you don't, let's have the debate. Let's argue our points then agree to disagree. And if you can't even do that; don't come back to read. It's really as simple as that. I'll blog derogatory comments or whatever, I'm just going to post. But really; this doesn't matter anyway. Only my friends read my blog at the moment and even then that's not strictly true. I don't know who reads it unless they reference. But maybe one day, Rants and Ramblings will branch out.

Ah, who cares. This is my space. And it's going to be whatever the fuck I want it to be.

(More to come!)


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