Friday 24 May 2013

Why Star Wars got it a bit wrong.

OK, so I've just started the Belgariad (series of fantasy novels by the late David Eddings - worth a read) and it has one of the classic character who's got some big destiny. I like this idea as it's one that Sci-Fi and fantasy, and stories in general, indoctrinate you with. I'm not going to bore anyone with the history of the concept but I can assure you it's most definitely to do with Hamlet and Shakespeare and then all the old folk tales that Shakespeare picked up over the years and made plays out of.

Anyway, this idea of a destiny hero turns up in some of my favourite stories: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings (Frodo + Aragon) and various others. But I really got thinking about the Star Wars destiny thing. Of course, throughout prequels and originals, it is central within the plot. And Luke was the Jedi and everything but...I'm really starting to think they got a few things wrong with that. Which I know, all my friends and Star Wars fans everywhere will go: "How're you even saying these things?!"

So hear me out: Luke Skywalker's meant to start off as a simple farm boy but develop as a character to someone rather awesome. Yet, I feel that his character development happened more in the expanded universe (I've read a fair amount outside of the six movies). His character starts off as naive and yeah - he loses his life on Tattooine because of the stuff that goes down. Then they go to the Death Star of course and that's all pretty cool. Then Ben dies. Which sucks, I know it does.

And it's already been pointed out but: Leia comforts him after the death of some old man he met in the desert after losing her ENTIRE FAMILY AND PLANET. And Luke sits there...he genuinely sits there and whines for a while. And yes, you can argue in Empires he starts to grow some balls, I will admit he's much more of a soldier character by Empires and even by Return of the Jedi but in a lot of ways? Even at the end of his fight with Vader, Luke's still a bit....puny. Which maybe I'm just being to snooty and all but you never go: "oh boy Luke deserves all the girls" in the same with Han.

Maybe it's the casting. And I can feel the burning of either my radiator (it's cold in my house) or the screams of 1,000 fanboys on this issue. And I know everyone won't see it in my light but I'm still holding my points. Luke's most badass moment was when he threatened Jabba. FREAKING LOVE THAT SCENE. Then you've  got....him. Annie. Fucking Annie. Now, the kid I don't mind. Yes, Phantom came with issues like Lindsay Lohan comes with drugs in her purse to her Grandmother's birthday party but nonetheless - you can't exactly despise a nine year old. Yet....YET.

They had a chance to cast someone decent and they didn't.  From everyone out there, they chose someone who made Anakin seem like a whiny man child who really isn't anything like how he was ever described. Me being a Star Wars Nerd, I point to how Ben Kenobi describes Luke's Father as this sort of Jedi General War Hero who also happened to be the best pilot in the Galaxy. But we didn't get that. Hell, I think there was a cheer when Anakin became Darth Vader. And it's a shame. Because it would've been great if we could've had an Anakin Skywalker who turned into Darth Vader and for everyone to go: "OH GOD, WHY HAVE YOU DONE THIS!!!"

Yeah, his arrogance is needed. To just give him that edge so that he'll be impressionable. And Anakin could've been cooler. And it could've been such a better way to introduce the story instead of the poor way they did it. Though, I still love the Saga, the characters, the universe and mostly everything about Star Wars.

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