Tuesday 30 April 2013


It's not a massive reveal. Only creeps and my friends (who actually go into the same category all-too-often) read my blog. I'm called Ulysses on Jacob's blog and I've called myself Uly here. But I'm back to being just "Ulyverse" when I post things and on Facebook I've began to use my first name and so it seems that right now I have a lot of usernames, real names and generally lots of confusions happening with my name so I thought I've just give some info on all that!

My real name is Durnik Ulysses Kenneth Jones. 

Durnik because of the characters from David Eddings' series the Belgariad, a book series both my Parentes love. Then Ulysses is of course the Odysseus, 'cept Ulysses is the roman translation (I think). Parentes wanted me to be named after a traveller like my brother who's Jean-Luc after Picard the TNG character. Then finally, Kenneth's a name from a late family friend (who interestingly, I'm said to be very much alike in a lot of ways). I'm not a Durnik as I like the patience and in a lot of ways I'm not "Odysseus" because I like his cunningness but I would say I'm the sort of guy to take 10 years to get back to his wife and pine for her. Us Ulysses' are the romantic types, obviously. ANYWAY, onto screen names:

Ulyverse: my classic and current. It's a wordplay obviously and it was used to say that I was always stuck in my own head. Most of my ideas get put under this name, treat it as a "brand of me." Sort of thing. Variations such as Space Captain Ulyverse, Ulyverse Jones then recently Sir Dunrik of Ulyverse and Baron Ulyverse have all sprouted from this and Ulyverse has kind of stuck with me. I want to say that my...Mum came up with this? Or hell, maybe even me. One's memory is never too sure. 

Twerp100: I have no idea. Seriously, one moment it was there and then next - it wasn't. It's inactive nickname that I had and was done as a sort of "OMGNUMB8RSS!!!!!1111!!!!one" variation. Though I discovered some malware companies use something similar and went: holy moly, I can't use that screename any more! 

MacHeath: MacHeath after the song. I love "Mack the Knife" and used this for a text-based forum RPG. It was rather dated and rather nice having this as it was very different but quite sleek. Eventually I spread this onto a couple of other writing websites but it never really caught on as I felt that it was inappropriate in comparison to other screenames I'd began to use. Very strange stuff but I guess I have those memories connected with it, right?

Kadrina Lage: It's a RPG character I use to use a lot. I think the whole idea of having a "girl name" was from my Dad who goes by a female character. Inspired by him in many ways I did something similar but it was strange as I don't write like a girl at all and so people were very weirded out by the concept of a "guy-being-a-girl". Also, Kadrina's the name of a West Bavarian Borough or something and eventually the character herself became very boring to RP and so I basically let it phase. 

The Big Purple Jedi: This sprouted from a party. Guy is holding his baby and goes to her "hey, wanna be held by the Big Purple Jedi?" This was because my shirt was purple, my height around 6''06-07 and having a Jedi Plait in my hair. After Obi-Wan in Phantom, not Anakin in Attack of the Clones. I loved this nickname so much it turned up a tiny bit and it's still in use when I want a bit of variety!

Super-Giant/Solomon Square: All to do with Superdorkism. My Superhero identity and the other? Well, that'd be spoilers so I can't say.... 

So yeah. My names. Neat huh? Currently I'm using Ulyverse/The Big Purple Jedi/Super-Giant online and also Durnik for more personal online social networking. Though people call me Uly commonly. So who knows what'll happen to my name? 'Specially because I'm moving school. 

FYI: Con Vids are taking ages to upload but will be up hopefully this week. Have a few things to say up here this week!

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