Monday 29 April 2013

Wales Comic Con - 2013! (Part 1)

So after my last post, I was kind of bummed out. THEN I WENT TO CON! Which was good! And I was going to do a long, rather unfair review but instead I'm going to try to keep it short and sweet but also upload the crappy videos we did for this here blog. To begin, I want to say that it was a 5/10 experience for me. There was a surprising lack of comic stalls, an underestimation as to how many people were going to be there and finally: I felt I didn't fit into my own scene. Which is crazy. I'm a Geek and was at a Geek event and there just seemed to be a lack of Geeks going "FUCK YEAH, COMICBOOKS!"

Which was disappointing. I mean, don't get me wrong - it was full of cool people and nice people. But there were people who didn't share the same interest as me. In a COMIC Con. 

This was unfortunate. HOWEVER: there was a great feel of pushing Brit-Geek-Culture in some parts which I'm all for as it's always good to get that sort of thing going and it made me realise how much I'm missing out on the Indie Comicbook scene. From now on, I'm going to make an effort to check out more alternate stuff as I met some wonderful writers, artists and bought some fantastic comics that are definitely worth buying more of. DC and Marvel are good but I shouldn't let them rule my shelves as I'll end up not supporting the little guy who actually, is bloody brilliant. They even inspired me to have a go after my exams with a friend or two because we've been all talk and no action (wouldn't be the first time--).

Me as "Clark Kent turning into Superman". 
This was mid-way between my costume.

Me as "Doctor Super-Bat with a Red Bowler Hat." I had 
a Sonic Screwdriver (explaining the "Doctor" part) a Superman Tee,
Batman Cape and Red Bowler hat, obviously. Though I wanted
my Luigi hat to be "Doctor Super-Bat of the Mushroom Kingdom."

Very cool Zombiebears that they'd made to attract attention to the stall.

 Me with Robert Picardo. Rather creepy face with me on the left but nonetheless cool.

One of the various photos of Tomo with a cosplayer. This was the last though.

Here's some links to check out: - Cool South Waelian writers/artists. Copperopolis was good! - Some awesome guys, one of which being very young starting out but doing an awesome job with "Special Powers"!
And - I bought something called Zombiebears from these guys. (picture above).

Vids coming right up!

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