Wednesday 10 April 2013

MINI RANT: I'm tired, ill and stressed. (The Holy Trinity)

It's a small rant.

First off - I've got these benign chest pains along with shortness of breath, struggling to focus and also incredibly shaky. Then I'll be near collapsing off my feet. Now, we think it's down to stress due to me restarting up school and it's pressure on with exams and courses and what not. But actually, I feel pretty alright on the whole except for feeling stressed. I guess what I'm trying to say: I don't feel as bad as I have down in the past so it doesn't make sense for me to be like this just because of my feelings. I'm constantly tired, having done nothing all day I'm only as half as tired after doing six hours of school and then my sleep pattern is completely out of whack completely. So now my body is like: ERHGURgiojbheguierhgreuigh and I have to try to just carry on really as that seems my only option.

It's a pain in the arse as, nothing is truly wrong I'm sure because other signs would go off but being pain is tiring and brings you right down so now I'm basically a huge lump of space that whines a lot, is eating loads and not really good for much. I bloody hate being likes this, really driving me up the fucking wall if I'm honest. Already, after a few days, I want to be better but I'm not seeing much of a result. A trip to the Doc's was meant to be today but due to the stupid system of incisive ringing that only old people get through as they must be linked with the phone telepathically, I didn't get to. Thus, it's back to school and I have achieved nothing and today was a waste.

Sorry to everyone having to put up with my state right now. Hopefully I'll clear up in a few days and be back to, need to think of more positive way to describe my 'good moods'. Anyway, what I do like about the internet is that it tends to balance out as a place to whine and a place to find some lols. Such as my friend destroying a chair with an axe.


See you on the other side, readers. (Part 3 of N.E.R.D.S. Easter Special, along with everything else to post, on hold).

1 comment:

Got something to say son? Well damn well say it! (AKA: always looking for feedback/other opinions!)