Friday 26 April 2013

About 1,000,000 Things To Say! (Mandatory Haircut Blogpost)

Well, I've got moving school, a Comic Con on Sunday, a Hair Challenge me, Jacob and Tom are doing, exams, stories I've got stirring to write all of a sudden and just a load of things. But instead I'll just show you my HAIRCUT! 8D! Because every blogger does one and also it's part of a Hair Challenge (over the next few weeks, myself, Jacob and Tom are all going a bit radical either cutting of dyeing, shall be posting on Everything Makes Me Sick and here too!) There seems to be a lot of stuff happening and my thoughts are everywhere and I should be working but want to WRITE. Just really badly, craving to write all the time as it's some powerful drug. Typical, eh?

I'm not very smiley. 

And the after result:

What I particularly love about these photos (taken a day between) is that I'm standing in more or less the same place but I've just swapped sides. Very trippy stuff. Also, THAT BOTTLE GREEN JUMPER IS VERY STRANGE. IT ALMOST LOOKS LIKE A SCHOOL JUMPER BUT THAT'S POPOSTEROUS, WHY WOULD I EVER PUT A PICTURE OF ME FROM SCHOOL UP ON HERE, EH? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

As much as I want to write I should probably let my thoughts gather. I hate posting on here with scattered thoughts (well, over-scattered/more then the usual scattered) because the point of this blog is to update on things that are worth hearing about, not just stuff that's complete bullshit. 

1 comment:

  1. Just realised, if you look at these two pictures quickly it's as if it's just pictures of me from different universes.


Got something to say son? Well damn well say it! (AKA: always looking for feedback/other opinions!)