Thursday 18 April 2013

The Creative Process.

So, I'm writing a lot at the moment to soothe my wounds between exams. This means that I'm going through the exciting "creative process." If you're close friends with me you'll know that I throw around these words and make several jokes about it. With so many projects left dripping muse from them and imaginary deadlines of life in my way, I thought I'd prolong the process by talking about the process. (I hope that made sense in someone else's head).

I've opted to do this in "10 steps." This explains my creative process but no one else's, I think. I'll be worried if someone else comes up with this.

1. Here's an idea! - I get an idea and think: hey why I don't start to write that and basically might jot something down or tell someone. This can be a lot of different things because I may just start a story, do a summary (which means I'll do it quite quickly) or just tell someone and forget to write it down.

2. Rattle on about - Then, I'll be less the 5K in and just ending up boring my friends with what I'm working on and some of them who are lovely and patient like to listen to me. I end up just banging on and sometimes just develop ideas on my feet which make me want to write some more.

3. Moan about not being near my piece of writing - I moan about it, yearn for it as if it's something I need to survive This usually kicks in quite early on the project if I'm into something and I'll moan about it for a while to once again - my lovely patient friends.

4. Casually write, think about usually 3 plots then write. - I'll get into it, do steps 1-3 and when I'm sitting and writing I might think of about 3 different things I can do which then leads straight to 5.

5. Is the idea finished? Yes. Have I finished writing? No. - The idea's finished. It'll pan out in my head so I end up not being able to finish the idea on paper/on screen which sucks. My brain moves too fast then my hands ever will and I'm trying to still savour an idea even with that happening but finding it difficult (but hell, can't call myself a writer if I don't!)

6. A "break." No, not like Ross & Rachel. - #Omgmeso90s. Anyway, this bit means that I'm rather fond of leaving it for a few days where I then either never pick it up again or will attempt to return and write at a much slower pace. The latter's happening more frequently recently which is fantastic.

7. COFFEE, MIDNIGHT AND INCONVENIENT! - This is the part of the show where usually late at night I suddenly get a dawning spurt of muse and must write meainng I'll sit up for hours on end trying to write with coffee fueling me and I'm rather strange in the late hours in the evening.

8. Another "break". Then, say I'm going to do it but don't - I procrastinate until I never do it. OR someone tells me/threatens me to do it. OR I do actually get the bloody iron will to do it.


10. Finished! Now what to never read it! - Basically. You may notice my grammar's broken in a lot of posts and that's because of step 10. I struggle to read my own work but I'm (once again I say this) improving and then I finish it and may/may not show it to people. But then I miss the piece of writing and then take a prolonged break from writing but am slowly finding myself with too many ideas to do that now!

So yes, a breakdown of the creative process. Now back to writing!

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