Friday 26 April 2013

7 Flaws of Uly.

CAUSE I'M A COPYCAT. Jacob just did his so I thought I'd have a whirl.

1) I'm fickle - I think I've mentioned this quite a bit and it's obvious by the way I go "Aha I will do x, y and z!" then don't follow through. I'm very bad at keeping to something and it's a skill that seems to be accumulate a lot of unfinished projects and stories which drives me nuts but I really struggle to sit down and finish things. Though this is something that's been bugging me a while and I've said I will correct it HOWEVER...Old habits die hard.

2) I'm one of the MOST self-absorbed guys on the planet - If I've got a problem, it's much bigger then yours. I hate attention getting taken away from me YET I hate when people just view me as some performer (which makes this an INCREDIBLY annoying flaw) and I am generally too wrapped up in self pity or whatever to sometimes consider other people and I just want people to focus upon me and give me gifts/bow down even when I enter a room. I think this is why I've ended up being a GM over time as a lot of attention comes to me. Today, I spent ages trying to print something then had to hand it in to a teacher and waltzed in dramatically and made a big show. Why? Because I just love having that thrill. It's why I act, so I can get it out in constructive ways. I actually REALLY hate this about me (and this'll lead to another next flaw) and I just generally do it all the time and struggle to deal with it and I imagine it drives people nuts.

3) I hate myself 8D - OK. So it's not as bad as it use to be. But someone once told me "the person who gives you the hardest time of all is yourself" and it's probably true. I have several moments, like a lot of teens and people generally, where I notice the horrific things about me. I feel bad for everything that goes wrong and think it's some how my fault, beat myself easily over each failure and I take great moments of where I believe that there are fewer people in life who're worse then me as a human being. And I battle these thoughts off a lot of the time and sometimes they grab me at a vulnerable moment. But the key is to remember your brain is a big liar. Kinda.

4) I HAVE NO FILTER - You know that bit in your brain that says "wow gee I shouldn't say that"? Yeah. I do not have one. Whatsoever. It gets me in shit all the time and I've tried developing one but it doesn't worst because I'm an impulsive and it makes me just blurt things out without having time to process what the implications of the statement is. I generally am a sensitive guy, I think, but I don't have that filter in my brain and I just think that I'm about to say something very funny but it turns out it's not. And because of this lack of a filter, I'm sometimes am very bad at just trying to keep my trap shut. AND THIS COSTS FRIENDSHIPS AND ALL SORTS. ARGH I'M A TERRIBLE HUMAN BEING.

5) I'm a massive fucking control freak - I just like control. I think it's because when I was younger I lacked control in my life in some ways. But I end up being an organised, militant controlling person. I'm going to Comic Con with my friends and have been very strict as to how I'm organising it and telling them what they are allowed/not allowed to do. It's the same with Superdorkism, I exploded at someone who was trying to get ahead of me. I just love taking command, I have leadership quality but I think it sometimes (all too often) creeps into dictating.

6) I'm far too serious - I struggle to ease up, relax and to sit down and just be "cool." In fact I fucking hate it because it drives me fucking nuts and ARGH I CAN NEVER GET IN THAT MENTALITY! So I end up coming across as serious a lot, people aren't sure if I'm joking and I just pull people down with it. My misery is a general flaw which I think these 7 cover quite "nicely". But I struggle to just loft around and have fun and usually have to just not think about it and occupy my mind with something and eventually it just all clicks into place quite nicely.

7) I hate change - I think if I've mentioned moving school or whatever as much as I have, this'll turn up. I hate things changing as I'm always worried that when it changes the good stuff from before will leave and I'll spend time trying to find my way through the bad stuff but discover that the second I get the good stuff BAM THE WORLD CHANGES AGAIN and then I end up hating goodbyes, endings and anything changing for good or for bad. One time, my teacher got married when I was about six and I ended up crying for ages because it was some shift. I was rather upset over the whole concept.

And now I feel like I should hide in a cave and never come out. Anyway, hope this was...enjoyable.

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