Tuesday 23 July 2013

A late Happy Birthday Note.

OK. So this one is about a friend from the States that I've known for a couple of years who recently, I've had very little contact with. This is partially my fault; sometimes when you're friends with someone you want just companionable silence but when online, it's hard to do such a thing. But she still comes into my thoughts each week and I always wonder how she is doing. It was her birthday some time ago and like my Mum, who I wrote a big Birthday note to, I want to write something for my friend here. It's a birthday gift that's free and considering we're countries apart, something quite warm.

Anyway, here goes nothing.

Dear Athena, 

It was your Birthday just a few days ago but a Royal birth sucked up people being born this week. Sorry about that, as an adamant British Republican I'm working on the Royal family getting removed. But I *did* remember just on the complete wrong day then forgot on the right day. So here's this note, an e-card if you will, for your Birthday. And to be honest, I'm probably going to talk a lot about me because I'm just that Self-absorbed. But it also saves you from great embarrassment from your young dorky Brit friend. 

There are three people in life who from ages 1-20 I know have had it very, very hard. My Mother; moved from foster homes, losing her parents aged 12 and not having any blood family and then my Father, who still carries the scars of his childhood around him like a chain around his neck. Finally, there is you. When I hear of your stories, my blood seems to boil slightly. I get angry and sad that someone so wonderful has such stories to tell. But then I think: well actually - she is wonderful. And that's really something there. 

People who come out with these stories can be angry young men/women, who think the World owes them everything and go around with a chip on their shoulder for a life time. You on the other hand? You seemed to have tread in some dark murky waters and yet come back with a smile on your face, ready to draw and ready to face the world. And that is just so marvellous and I cannot even comprehend how you even do it. Which is why I would probably say that you are one of my heroes. (Up there with Spider-Man, Stan Lee, William Pitt the Younger and if I'm honest, Jesus Christ and my Parents). 

The internet is full of weirdos and people who are just bizarre to talk to and uncomfortable. I can't tell everyone of my real troubles because I feel like it's talking to some mysterious Oracle and not a human being. But you have always been different. I think it's because we seem to have a lot in common between our love of Spider-Man and having some hardships along the way. And it's really nice that I know that somewhere in Oregon between Gravity Falls & the rain, there is this wise American Girl who can say those Buddha-wisdom words. 

Recently we've not chatted so much. Even when we're online at the same time, I'm so bad at not starting conversation. I go through bad-conversation periods where I'm not that good to talk to and need to find a hook in conversation. But I have ya' in my thoughts. Like recently; I bought a Spidey graphic novel - you popped to my mind! However I should try to just chat more - learn of the great things that seem to be happening in your life and even the not-so-great! 

You seemed to be having such a good time of life. And I'm so glad to hear as you've definitely earned such a good time. And I do wish I could just turn up on your doorstep and be that tall British kid you had to guide away from the bad Americans before I just annoyed them too much. It's on my bucket list to come and visit you just once in my life, at least. And I hope you don't mind that! 'Cause I would love to meet all my heroes but you seem like a realistic one to meet. 

'Thena, to quote Toy Story, "You've got a friend in me!" (And Spider-Man). And I hope your freakin' Birthday was GREAT. 


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