Thursday 29 August 2013

Lyrics that evoke feelings in us.

This blog post is possibly more poetic then anything I've put up here. But, I've meaning to write about this for some time now.

Now I've gotten into a lot more music recently, notably the infamous Billy Bragg. Like Frank Turner, he's got heavy focus on his lyrics and sees it very much like Poetry applied to some instruments (or, this is the impression I've gotten off interviews and lyrics and gigs with Bragg & Turner). And there's a particular song, perhaps you've heard of it, that I've taken to. "A New England." There are very few times I say this, as it's not a statement to say candidly I believe but: this song has touched my soul. Now before I carry on, I think it's important that we clarify my own definition as to what a soul is:

You know how people say "listen to your heart" or "listen to your head"? I think it's the biggest load of bull ever said. It all boils down to your endorphins and thoughts and how your endorphins/feelings are causing the chemical reactions in your brain. But, to put it more poetically, I think that the two definitely work together. Sometimes people have their feelings over-control their thoughts (people like me) and then others have their thoughts rule their feelings. While both can be helpful, the harmony between these two ideas is what makes up a soul; treat it like the left and right sides of your brain coming together. It's your physical being, your emotional state and mentality all coming together to form your soul. It's constantly with you and something that you have for life and is forever growing. So saying that a song "touches your soul"? It's not something I say lightly.

But this song does. You know when you like a girl a go: gee, this song describes the situation perfectly! Or, when you break up with someone and it describes it aptly, or perhaps a falling out with someone, etc. Music has that power, simply because music is all about interpreting what you hear. People like Bragg, Frank Turner, folks musicians, punk rock musicians, you name it? They all believe in the philosophy that music brings people together. I'm of a similar mindset, that despite disagreeing what a song means you can still love a song with your fellow man/fellow fan of a musician. With "A New England", it basically describes my entire "sage" of liking girls. From when I was a wee lad and my childhood crushes, to now my mid-late adolescence with my first taste of love.

This is why I love poetry and music. Sometimes it can call out to you in a way the artist isn't ever expecting it to do with someone. I've emailed, tweeted and messaged bands I like about certain songs they've written and how I've had a soundtrack made up of these songs. And that to me is a truly powerful thing. And A New England? It definitely does that. I've never thought anyone could write about my entire "love life" by complete accident. It's something that if I ever get to meet Mister Billy Bragg, I'm be sure to tell him (or starstruck, similar to how I was when I met Frank Turner. Thank my bro that he managed to get some words out of me). Anyway, not only do I post the lyrics to end but also; are there any songs that evoke emotions in you in a similar fashion, reader? Comment anywhere I post this!

The Lyrics:
"I was twenty-one years when I wrote this song 
I'm twenty-two now, but I won't be for long 
People ask me when will I grow up to understand 
Why the girls I loved at school are already pushing prams 

I loved you then as I love you still 
Though I put you on a pedestal, you put me on the pill 
I don't feel bad about letting you go 
I just feel sad about letting you know 

I don't want to change the world 
I'm not looking for a new England 
I'm just looking for another girl 

I loved the words you wrote to me 
But that was bloody yesterday 
I can't survive on what you send 
Every time you need a friend 

I saw two shooting stars last night 
I wished on them, but they were only satellites 
It's wrong to wish on space hardware 
I wish, I wish, I wish you'd care 

I don't want to change the world 
I'm not looking for a new England 
I'm just looking for another girl 

My dreams were full of strange ideas 
My mind was set despite the fears 
But other things got in the way 
I never asked that boy to stay 

Once upon a time at home 
I sat beside the telephone 
Waiting for someone to pull me through 
When at last it didn't ring, I knew it wasn't you 

I don't want to change the world 
I'm not looking for a new England 
I'm just looking for another girl"


  1. To me, the song Hurt (but the Johnny Cash version mainly because there is more heart) gets me like this, way too often do I feel the way the lyrics show, every time I hear the lines "I will let you down, I will make you hurt" and "If I could start again A million miles away I would keep myself I would find a way" makes me think of how my need to be liked in secondary and primary school led to be being of a symbol than a person, so I get what you're saying completely

    1. Mmmm, yes. Thanks for the contribution man!


Got something to say son? Well damn well say it! (AKA: always looking for feedback/other opinions!)