Monday 5 August 2013

1, 2 Fuck you! (Some incoherent angry rant about basically everything).

I'm in a bitter mood. I try not to just blog feelings as then the blog becomes a stupidly open place. And everyone warns me not to "publish my life online" but fuck you, I'm already an open person so why should I really care? If I'm in a bad mood, I'm going to bring my bad mood to light. Because I think I'm the most important being in the universe and so everyone should care. Anyway, I get in this fight about the hypothetical about if I fail my GCSEs and I have to get full-time employment. I then must pay my keep. I dunno, just pissed me off 'cause it's about £60 of wages gone and I'll have no money so not only will I lack qualifications, I'll lack money so I can't even go and do anything fun, can I. Just fuck everyone man.

I hate ranting about family here as I know people will find a way to comment on something, bring it up and start an argument online. It's fucking bullshit. Really is. I don't have space to argue with anyone online as everyone is a fucking idiot. Including me. Everyone chooses to be on the extreme of some issue, or just be arguing to "rustle jimmies" or some other bullshit. This is why we can't use the internet as some modern, interactive means of rising the level of debate. And my Brother and I had a big argument that I was coming from some idealistic, liberal aristocratic bullshit corner of trying to divide people who wish not to partake in this debate and those who do but that's taking away basic right of freedom: the freedom to choose.

Well fuck you, you apathetic assholes who claim to care whenver something bad happens to you. You're a selfish, broodish, ignorant, stupid lot who don't deserve free healthcare or safe streets. At least with all these foreigners moving in from countries WHERE THEY GET SHOT AT people can value that of democracy. Because people should give a shit and take things seriously, not as seriously as I take things seriously but seriously nonetheless. As, I've said several times earlier, it's bullshit. REALLY. ARGH. WHY DID I EVEN GET OUT OF BED TODAY? I wish I could get out of bed in some bigass house that was just handed to me on a silver platter and then I could get to work on writing 3 sentences.

I really don't have drive to do anything any more. I don't even mind. But God damn it, I think I'm about to be severely depressed again and have no choice over it at this rate. Now that, children, is oversharing. But actually fuck it, let's get rid of the stigma of Mental Health. If we all stopped fucking tiptoeing for each other the whole fucking universe would run a lot smoother. Now we just spend time trying to pander to people. God, I hate that. Pandering and apathy - they run rampant in society and we shouldn't be laughing and we should get up and do something and only laugh when they begin to burn us for something.

Shame really. Wanted my first post back from lifebeat to filled with the positivity that was instilled within me because that was such a wonderful place. It was a creative arts camp where we had such a close, open, loving community. I've made some truly fantastic friends. Which is why my Part 2 of the Spider-Man trilogy hasn't come out yet. Which I may/may not decide to do via a Youtube video as, I've not filmed a Youtube video in a while. I do need a better camera though. Have you ever noticed how completely upper-middle class a lot of the famous Youtubers are? It's how they're successful, metinks.

I feel slightly better. Results are getting to me, a lot more then I thought. But I also think I've got an itching amount of tension after a huge fight with someone. Who I am not going to name as someone will read it and somewhere along the pipe lines this'll make it to that someone. So instead it's just anonymous. There we go. RRRRNNNNG I need to go and do something constructive with this Hulk like rage. When it comes to me, everyone is fucked.

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