Monday 5 August 2013

7 Facts About Uly you may or may not know already.

Now my last post  was a big...on edge if you please. But this is designed for fun. FOR FUN DAMN YOU! Anyway, these sorts of posts are always an interesting read from POV so now it's time to do my own! I tell a lot of people a lot of different things about myself, I'm intending to get some facts that I think the majority of people will not know at all. I think a few may have made the observations mentally? IF YOU HAVE DON'T RUIN IT FOR OTHERS!

Anyway, let's go from....

#1 - I love clothes!: It's true! I love clothes. Though this doesn't necessarily mean I'm a designer kid, I just my different clothes. I love seeing when someone has gotten some amazing jumper to go with the right pair of jeans, or some really pretty dress accessorised with some nice jewellery. When I was younger, I use to apparently change my clothing up to 3 times a day. We'd just get ready to go before I suddenly felt an urge to change my clothes into something new. I've never been fashionable but I always try and be careful with clothing I pick up. I pretend when I'm out that I have "enough of things" just so I don't go on a clothes binge. Buuut then I run out clothes. Which is never fun. 

#2 - I think Shakespeare is FAIRLY overrated: I like Shakespeare as much as the next man but I do think that he's overrated in about 2 aspects. There were many poets around the same time as him who wrote Italian-styled sonnets and we don't recognise their gorgeous work as we're all too covered up by the whole "Summer's Day" la-di-da. People can argue to me that Shakespeare revolutionised the way we wrote poetry and you know, helped us develop the entirety of the English language but hats off to a lot of the other romance poets who were just as good as him. He made the sonnet this God-like poetic art form and then everyone thinks that is it when actually, you can do so many different things. Odes, free form, haiku, what have you. (That rhymed intentionally, appreciate it). 

Then secondly, Shakespeare just told the old ancient stories for a modern audience. Essentially, J.R.R Tolkien did the same thing when he wrote LOTR and George Lucas when he made Star Wars. Shakespeare is said to be this "master storyteller". Bullshit! He just modernised classical Euro/British Myths and legends so that we could comfortably watch them in the 1500s. And that is pretty impressive but seeing as there were people who recorded these epic ballads firstly, I don't think he should be heralded for genius that really, wasn't that too much of genius. Though you know, I do love a good Shakespearan poem or play. It's not that I hate him and he did incredible things and all buuut I just think he gets a lot of over-the-top credit. 

#3 - I have Ferrari Brain Syndrome: A lot of people throughout my life have called this crap but, when I was about 8 or 9 I was subjugated to a bunch of tests where there were wires to do with my brain responses to things. They could've diagnosed me with Aspergers or ADD,or ADHD or whatever at a stretch (I'm emotionally intuitive and not exactly hyper, I'll explain now) but they did say I had something which is known as "Ferrari Brain". It doesn't necessarily mean I'm clever. 

It just means that my brain goes REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY fast with loads of stuff going on then suddenly people try and grind it to a halt and that means I'm very energetic and very hyperactive most of the time. It's because I have so much always happening in my brain and I interoperate everything really fast. Actually, it's probably why I'm as impulsive as I am and why I struggle with school because I have a constant zoom going on.  It also makes me very nervous at times and makes my brain and emotions correspond badly. Which I guess all teens go through. 

#4 - Since about the age of 8 I've thought I was a compulsive liar: See, I'm not sure if that's true or not. I'm trusting of well, anyone with anything but I cannot even trust myself most of the time. It's not that I just go 'round spouting bullshit, at least I don't think I do but my brain has a moment with EVERY fact I say that says "you're speaking from your behind" so I am never sure. But then; can you recognise that you're a compulsive liar? So it's mostly a huge part of overthinking on my behalf. I operate off the idea I'm speaking the truth nowadays and if anyone ever catches bullshit from my mouth I probably haven't recognised that it was bullshit whatsoever. Maybe it's just one big overthink. 

#5 - Every time before Doctor Who: I say I don't like Doctor Who. I say I actually will not watch, won't engage and that I've never enjoyed it. I have no idea why either! But for some reason just as Who's right behind the corner, I suddenly retreat and don't want to have anything to do with it. I think it's because of my bad experience on Tumblr and all the "Whovians" there? I'm not too sure. But I was part of the 6.2 million who were watching last night and yet I *know* when a series begins? I'll be doubting my like in the show! It's hilariously strange. 

#6 - I nearly had braces: Okay so I don't know if anyone's ever noticed while looking at my ugly mug that I've got two rather prominent front teeth on top. Then if I try and shut my mouth, it's very awkward. Well imagine that but when you're 12 and it's even worse. There's actually a problem with my teeth that leads a gap between them. And for several years I use to go and see an Orthodontist who was HORRIBLE and lacked any people skills and made me get my last six baby teeth removed. Eventually, I drew a line at adult teeth getting pulled out when there is a possibility of my jaw naturally straightening. 

Well, there was that. ALSO the fact I would have braces making me slightly nazzly, glasses and was into comicbooks and not to mention off-beat, I didn't need more of a reason for kids to pick on me, I mean Jesus Christ D: So I ended up opting out. I am, however, probably going to see if I can pursue getting braces now as my gap seems to had gotten smaller then it's now back to how it use to be so I'm gaping a lot more. So girls, I may not just be staring at your beauty, it might be that I'm struggling to shut my mouth. 

And now for our seven magical shinning fact...

#7 - I LOVE MARS BARS <3: This is probably quite well known! But my favourite chocolate bar is a Mars Bar. I can't end tons and tons of them and love some good old Cadbury's Dairy Milk as something to truly gorge upon when I need a chocolate fix but there is something so magical about a Mars Bar. It's very sugary, I know and it's probably very bad for your teeth/stomach whatever but it taste sooo nice and I've always loved me a Mars Bar. Without failure, people get me a Mars Bar easter egg every year, I love the Mars Bar milkshake (but we rarely get as it's so expensive) and every once in a while, I'll take about 2 months where I won't have one just so when I do, it's glorious. 

Seriously. Mars Bars. They're amazing. You want to win my heart? Tell me you love Spider-Man, get me some flowers and a Mars Bar and we're good to go. 

So I think this has a jollier tone then my last post. Hopefully I'm going to have something up in the forms of a Part 2 to my Spider-Man film idea and eventually, I'll group them all together! I hope people enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it! 

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