Friday 15 March 2013

Explanation as to why there is a gap of posting in recent times.

So, I have two major-plans for this blog currently. Or what I should say is two posts currently drafts that are plans. The first is Review for a friend which is about me reading comics mostly that either friends have suggested I or I think they should read. The other is a Thing about me is post. Aside from that - I've also got some ideas about going to do a Film review with a friend of mine though our schedules are tight and I am a terrible text buddy to which I apologise for!

I'm wanting to get more political/topical, perhaps commenting more on current popular issues in the news/socially. There's a part of me wanting to be a journalist (something I will touch on next Thing about me is) and I think being able to use here, my mighty rant space, would be a good place to start. Or, you know, a perfect way to destroy any chance of a journalistic career. Who knows? Anyway, I seem to be giving you lovely readers a briefing as to what I've got planned instead of why the plans have not been initiated. 

There are two reasons that this hasn't happened. The first being the most important, my mountain-pile of school and I'm definitely wanting to focus on that. Exams and all that, not nice. You're lucky if you're out of the school system and I envy you as it seems that I have it for the next two years, oh the joys! Though I'll get there and there's probably a lot more I can say about school work and I'm sure to talk about it more soon to explain what's what with that and what not.

You're probably wondering "why the mountain?" it's a representation of my school work. The snow being all the stuff I don't understand *nods* 

The second reason is that I've really got hold of my creative juices. That isn't to say that the second I have a lot of strong build up of muse that I'll drop this blog but it means that when I have free time I'm wanting to go and do that which means I'm not getting to the blog. What I'm hoping to do in future is to have an update of where I am on my ideas so that people can, perhaps, follow my writings to a sense. Maybe I'll change my mind, who knows? But I think it'd be nice to just do a quick list of what that is (as schoolwork is boring to list out).
-Draft IX Of my Original Superhero Universe: consisting of synopses of superheroes, villains and teams. Friends are co-writing, it's now based off my superhero game "Adventurers." 
-My Book, which needs love and hasn't moved from 14K in far too long: I'm going at this again. Definitely have a different idea. Need to just great cracking on it though. 
-My outlook upon the DC Universe: Long-term fun. Been writing how I would revitalise DC Comics characters. I've done one - Superman - which I might post up here soon. Batman is currently the second. 
-A Film project: My badass friend is doing a film and asked me to help him construct a horror film we're doing in the summer. I'm finding it tough but finally have a lead as to what I think will be the plot/structure of it. 

Due to exams, most of these are on hold. I will be hopefully denting some of them in breaks between Easter but then after that, everything gets shoved aside. I am going to try and update the blog though a few times as I enjoy being able to write things in a somewhat polite manner that will hopefully give you a chuckle along the way, dear reader.

In the words of an old friend, "BCNU" for now, kiddies!


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