Friday 15 February 2013

Happy Birthday Mum.

I seem to posting a lot right now because, I've had a lot to say over the past two days. I think that'll it settle down right after this post.

What is this one then? It's a small tribute to a very important woman in my life: my Mother. Today, it's her Birthday and I think it's bloody important that you all know how amazing this woman is. So, I write this almost as a thank you letter for her, an extra gift for her (her teenage son showing appreciation for his public!) and something for you all to think 'well gee, do I call my Mum enough':

Dear Mum,

Thank you for always being there. In the bad and good. Thank you for always turning around and offering me some wise advice or opinion or sometimes, for telling me that I am wonderful. It's now my turn to say: that's you. You're one of the greats and you will be remembered by so many as loving, peaceful, forgiving and embracing. Since the Day of me being able to talk, you have behaved firmly, and for that grounding I thank you. But you have never failed in telling me every day that you love me and that I have never failed you nor ever do. You have been there for me in my moments where all hope has been lost, where I have truly stared at Death straight in the eye and you squeezed my hand trying to keep me back for as long as you can. I shall always do the same for you.

There are few people I have ever met who are as accepting and are as tolerant of my quirks as you. Never have you failed from just loving me for me and that you never holding judgement over what decisions I make and will make. Even when I have not listened and have been hurt, you have been there extending an arm branch only to love, never to brag of my wrong and your right. For that, once again, I thank you. I cannot thank you enough and sometimes, forget to thank you. And I know your simple answer shall be "it's all a part of the job description" I really do not think that people such as myself are covered for a lot of the lessons of "Mum School."

Now, you have a new partner, a new hobby and a new lease on life. For that, I am grateful and glad. For you are more deserving of finding such a new lease on life then anyone, as the world owes you a lot. You had slaved away with jobs and family and helping everyone and now, the world is slowly beginning to repay you. Though it still offers hardships for me, for my Brother and for yourself, this time 'round you have us to lean on. We are older and have learnt from your teachings and hope to help those we love like you have done and continue to do. This life, the one of you baking/decorating cakes with such joy (and great skill!) is the one that you deserve.

The one with a job where you are appreciated, the active social life of friends you love you. And let you not forget that: if you are to fall down, there are millions who would help you get back up just as you have done by yourself with them. I'm first in line of this army, along with my Brother. We love you Mum, so much. And I thank you for being the one of the most forgiving, tolerant and loving people I have ever known and probably will ever know. I would not be half the man I am now without you.


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