Wednesday 10 September 2014

Voting f*cking matters.

Right. So. I've not really commented on Scottish Independence since the whole political began and now it's racing towards its finish it seems I'm jumping on a rather large bandwagon. And reason I've not wanted to say anything on the matter is because I'm not as smart as anyone thinks I am and really am not qualified to talk about it. But what I am going to talk about is a really interesting point about this whole referendum vote and how it's helped the race be neck and neck:

16 Year Olds get to vote.

I know what you're thinking. "I don't care about politics," says the average teenager. But in a country where you have no tuition fees in rather excellent Universities why the hell aren't you going to support the Government and leadership that helped you with that. Scotland has managed to jump onto some rather untapped potential: young people. Most of us can't vote and, by the time we're 18, have been completely jaded. I know this because I'm nearly 18 and while I'm ecstatic to be a member of the electorate, I know most of my friends are not as enthusiastic.

This vote is proof of the power of the people and power of the vote. Scottish young people have been politically enticed by governments' promises that have been kept. If you started to offer services for tomorrow's generation as a government, you could most definitely gain a new base in a matter of months. An issue I see frequently come up amongst young people in my constituency and its neighbouring constituency (which would be Gwynedd) is how public transport is hugely expensive for a place where jobs are scarce and rather remote rural country side surrounds us.

If as an MP you managed to change the buses and/or trains to make them more financially viable for teenagers then you'd have a huge block of undecided voters early. Having the vote by 16, the age where socially you begin to start venturing outwards more & more, it'd be an amazing way to grab their attention. I want politics lessons in our schools nationally, to give foundations as to what we're signing up to but I know that's a longer battle/debate. So you would grab a load of kids who weren't taking in your party-bias or complete ideological bias. You'd take kids who would be appreciative of your services to your represented area(s).

Democracy is a covenant between a Government and its people. Every few years, we get to interview who rules our laws and we enter a voting booth with one of the greatest powers we're given as a free people. Scotland may be defecting from its neighbouring countries because that power is taken very seriously as a responsibility for young people to take on board. And right now it's made history by kids getting told they have a voice that they must use themselves. If this covenant is not upheld, our leaders win by microscopic majorities. And that is how corruption is created.

So, remember the power you have in a vote; it's the only one we're ever given. And Scotland having 51% yes in some polls is an example of that.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

1900 Palestinians, 67 Israelis.

This comes from someone with a very limited scope of the struggles of Palestinian men, women and children or the struggles of Jewish men, women and children. But I have watched the news these past 2-3 weeks, I have read articles, I have made sure to hear  varying opinions on this matter. I was watching the News tonight & that figure that I have above as a title is the death toll of both sides. The thing I think that gets me most about this is that John Kerry went on camera only a few months ago and said this concerning Russia and Ukraine: 

"Russia has refused to take a single concrete step in the right direction.  Not a single Russian official, not one, has publicly gone on television in Ukraine and called on the separatists to support the Geneva agreement, to support the stand-down, to give up their weapons, and get out of the Ukrainian buildings" -- (Said by John Kerry, Secretary of State, State Department Press Briefing, Washington DC on 24/4/2014). 

When the US State Department announced its position on Ukraine and Russia, it was one that I implored. Russia has behaved badly against an  area/region of the world that has always been a riddle in Russian politics, the politics of the Cold War. Only for the crisis in Gaza to erupt when suddenly, the United States has not condemned Israel's actions of Zionism. And it makes me physically uncomfortable to think about for a long time. 

Currently, Anti-Semitism has hit a rise in Europe/the Western World. I can't fathom this. I'm always willing to support the Jewish communities of the world; the Jews are a very closed off people due to their beliefs. They believe that they are part of a Covenant, which is welcoming of anyone who respect its customs. However, to be Jewish is not to be Zionist. It is the same as saying that to be Islam is to be terrorist or to be Christian is to be affiliated with the rampant bigotry done in the name of Christ. 

The belief that a Promised Land should be given to the Israelites is one that, as a world-state, we cannot necessarily support. This is not to say that the Jewish people should not feel welcomed in countries; for anyone of any faith should be able to walk as freely as a Roman did during the rein of the Empire - a Civis Romanus for all those of faith should be implemented. That is idealistic to think, I understand, but I speak of a people who have countlessly been attacked by societies and political movements. 

But, for us as a world to just freely give land to any religion that requests it for their ancient Holy Books - often misunderstood -is one that cannot be condoned. I am Quaker, the Englishman William Penn tried to colonise Pennsylvania, it is said to have been founded on Quaker ideals. Over 300 years later, am I entitled to claim it is the province of the Friends of Truth? No. And while the comparison is nowhere near to the extremes of Gaza - for most of the Arab World is very intricate - a principal here stands: we cannot live in a free world if people, in the name of G-d, do not claim that this world is not all our Promised Land. 

The Kingdom of Judaea was once great but has fallen - now we must strive towards a Kingdom of Earth, of unity. So now, I'm unsure what to do for the many Palestinians who suffers thanks to extreme zealous but I shall continue to pledge my support for their freedom. For the numbers above still stay within my mind.