Tuesday 22 January 2013

Why I haven't ranted in a while.

No, it's not because I'm now a happy person who is never angry. The reason is a mixture of things but, it boils down to this: I'm writing a book. No, it's not a rant book. I've only just started the blog many a week ago and that is for here. The book has a working-title, some characters and a lil' neat plot (or I think so at the moment: ask about that in a while). There is more to come on that one. Shortly after the end of my relationship, a subject which isn't for my blog either, I began to really well...questions things. The end result: I've set track on a book that may or may not change my outlet. And it's not one of those "let's pretend I'm writing but actually not" things. I have a word count and everything.

See, I am a writer. I write Poetry, stories, tabletop roleplaying games and most of the time, concepts. I love writing out an idea, shaping it but I've never felt it's mine to tell. In actual truth, it is, but I find myself a reader of the Comic book which makes you attracted to imagery instead of writing to get a feel for descriptive writing. For the stories I do follow out, they're usually horror or something. Based on the workings of one of my favourite writers, HP Lovecraft, I can write a decent narrative of someone about to spiral into complete madness because he's "seen too much." Everything else: the superheroes, the sci-fi, the fanfic, all left as ideas. Sometimes, I use them for RPGs or just to tell my Dad my ideas.

The idea of writing a book is a dream but I figured it'd be when I've become some grand old Post-Graduate, studier of History or Politics. Or, perhaps, my memoirs as a statesman of the media or ancient broadcaster ('cause boy, do I love the ruthless, competitive, immature, bureaucratic madness that is the Political ring. So much so, I wish to study Politics in University and possibly progress to getting a job connected to it). But it seems that one idea has crept off the shelf and wanted to be written. I spent a lot of time and energy attempting to write it out, as describing things so they get out of my heads and can be clear to readers is a task I find irksome but I enjoy it. There are realistic guidelines: I attempt to write 3.5K a week, which is roughly 500 a day.

If I go over? So what. If I'm under? Well, I can catch up. And if I don't read 3.5, I don't stress as I'm usually busy that week or I've written a fair some. This book, which is called "The Energy in Being Ourselves" is about several people struggling being themselves and if it's worth it. I won't say more then that as, if I give it all away then what would the point of anyone reading it? (And if you're friends/family, you have to fucking read it. Except my brother, who scares me slightly in his criticisms of literature). The book itself is a challenge, it already has changed things. When I write it I am a very happy man, I see light where I did not before. I've had to cut things out of my life due to it.

I'm not on Facebook any more, it's a time-eater. It would swallow free hours between schoolwork and other activities in my life thus, I felt it would be a productive move. Only regret; said-friend on it isn't on other communications so I'm struggling to keep up with his shenanigans. Darn it! The other shit in my life are: I need acting again. Which will be explained in a post called "Acting, my Heroine" in good time. Another will be boxing, which I'm taking up hopefully after my back is better and why I'm taking it up will be explained in "Why I punched a wall".

With this, I'm pretty occupied. My backache also stops me from being my desk thus no sitting for hours getting to write and work on my rants. Instead, I'm stewing in front of the telly after 6 hours and a half of hard grilling school time and feeling dead (particularly longer today due to a Parents Evening too, so you bastards better appreciate this post!*) And emotionally, I'm "figuring things out". Or, I figured things out and currently am dealing with the "social repercussions" which I apparently have to give a shit about. Some people as they will be known have been giving me a lot of grief for my new coping strategy with the things I'm well...coping with. but, I'm happy and that means something. Anyway---11 weeks and some people don't have to see me ever again. 

If you're a relative state of happiness, does that mean you're less rant-y?

Hell-to-the-no! There's going to be new sections on this blog, new posts, new adventures and a "weekly word count" post, or to be short "WWC"! I've got plenty of double barrel loaded rants with all sorts of themes and I'm hoping to introduce some more facts about me so that people can feel like they know the man behind the Rant. (And screen, whatever).

What was the point of this post again? OH yeah, now I remember...

I'm sorry for not actually blogging. But I started a book and it's all rad. And there will be more. SOON. (Current word count, for interest is: 11,629).

*You're not bastards really. Please don't leave me O_O</foreveraloneblogger>

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